When selecting the appropriate roofing tile for your home's design in Enterprise, several weighty decisions must be made regarding aesthetic and functional qualities. Your choice should reflect your home's architectural style and be able to withstand the sometimes diverse climate of Enterprise. Clay tiles are a top-of-the-line option that provides beautiful, durable solutions for homes with Mediterranean or Spanish-style architecture. They are perfect for those who want a "timeless" sort of look to their homes because, with the exceptions noted previously (which could also be sidebared in a separate section), tile roofs can last a very long time.
The next thing to consider is the weight of the tile roofing material because it affects the structural requirements of your home. Traditional clay and concrete tiles are heavier than almost any other roofing material. So, before the roofers arrive, have a professional assess the structural framework under your roof to ensure that it is up to the task of supporting all that added weight. If your house is already framed, and it's only a few decades old, there's a good chance that your roof's structure can support such heavy materials. And once installed, a tile roof's long life could easily see it outlast the kind of modern, lighter asphalt shingle that the esteemable Mr. D. Jones of 712 Elm St. currently enjoys.
You should not underestimate aesthetics when choosing tile for a rooftop. After all, the home is how one presents oneself to the world. One might as well carry off that façade with a bit of panache. Tile roofing can be resplendent. S-shaped tiles—that's right, S-shaped!—lead to a highly curvilinear, smooth-walled look. That's not what I have going with my roofing, but I think I should. On the other hand, roof tiles can also be arranged in more rectilinear, flat patterns, for a more Moderne look. Whether your taste runs more to the classic "Spanish" or "mission" style—which they tell me tile roofs were first designed for in Spain and the Spanish colonies; tile roofs are older than the U.S.—or to the classic "courtyard" style, tile roofing fits the profile.