The technology of cool roofs has transformed rooftop energy efficiency and comfort in buildings. Where once hot roofs reigned supreme, now many architects and builders understand that a cool roof supports not just energy efficiency but potentially also building comfort. Every structure has its own individual set of requirements, so we here at Crane Co. offer a range of tailored cool roofing options. Whether we are working in a warm climate or a cooler one, we have the perfect solution for an energy-efficient high-performance roof. Of all the high-performance roofs in the cool roofing category, we here at Crane Co. are partial to our own customized systems. We never build the same roof twice.
The various materials and designs of cool roofing solutions enable them to function well in different circumstances. Some of our cool roofing solutions consist of nothing more than a reflective coating. Others consist of roofing membranes that demonstrate a significantly increased ability to reflect the sun's light and heat. Still others rely on an entirely different way of achieving a "cool roof." These are tile or metal roof systems designed so they, too, retain very little of the sun's energy. Across this range of solutions, the effective reduction in the overall amount of energy retained by the roof can cool the area just below it by 10 or more degrees Fahrenheit. This well-cooled space dramatically reduces the need for air conditioning.
Choosing a cool roof can bring a lot of advantages for a building's owners and occupants. Our systems let buildings stay cooler and use considerably less energy, which cuts down on utility bills. ... Moreover, our systems' tailored fit means the cool roof will enjoy a long service life. You can also count on using substantially fewer materials in our systems than in a traditional system, which means you can put those funds to better use elsewhere. Many of our systems also qualify for several green building certifications and energy-related tax incentives. ... You might only think of a cool roof in the context of the solar roof, but it's actually not that simple. It's way cooler than that.