EPDM roofing is celebrated for its remarkable durability and adaptability. It is a go-to roofing solution that caters to a variety of needs. And while EPDM as a material is good, an EPDM roofing system tailored to specific requirements can perform even better and longer. Properties exposed to potential design or environmental challenges can benefit from EPDM roofing; we can optimize the performance of the roof to counter whatever unique issue it faces. If you need a reliable waterproofing solution, if you’re focused on energy efficiency, or if you’ve got some aesthetic concerns, tailored EPDM roofing is a residential reach, a commercial and industrial stretch, and a safe architectural bet.
The flexibility of EPDM roofing means it can fit any structure, even one with an unusual shape or design. Consequently, EPDM roofing is particularly good for architecturally complex buildings and for renovations where traditional roofing materials may not fit well or may not perform well. EPDM roofing can be installed quickly, thus lessening the disruption to a facility that might otherwise occur during a roofing project. The lightweight nature of the material aids in the ease of project installation and, in fact, probably also adds to the ease of roofing removal should that become necessary. EPDM roofing offers a couple of aesthetic options that would allow a property owner to achieve a look that they might prefer to a standard white surface.
Investing in custom-tailored EPDM roofing systems provides some unexpected perks, including the environment. I was surprised to learn that fully recycled EPDM roofs have been used as bio-solids on sewage treatment plants. The "green" roof under which I participated in an [October 2020 conference](https://www.canature.com/en/international-collaborations/) with the city of [Hannover, Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannover) and [Bierzeln](http://www.gekko-forest.com/en/bierzeln.html)—a village in the [Kramarh district](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramarh) of [Vietnam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam)—will not look the same in 10 years. This ocean-front property in this village will disappear in 20 years, and you will save right now around $37,500 in the. Here's why: