It is essential to inspect your roof after a storm to ensure that your house retains its integrity and to prevent damage that could be very costly. While such storm-related roof damage is not usually visible from the ground, you can still check for some of the after-effects. Look for signs of trouble near the eaves and ridges. When you check the roof itself, look for granules that may have washed down to the gutters. If your roof is normally clean, notice if it has any debris on it that wasn't there before the storm. Also, check for bowing in the roof that corresponds to areas that might have been heavily hit by wind, rain, or hail.
It is crucial to inspect the roof of your house after a storm, and on a regular basis, to ensure that you are protected from the potential hazards that a damaged roof can bring. Over the last few years, storms that result in widespread damage have become increasingly common. If your roof is compromised by a falling tree, or if wind drives rain under your shingles, those conditions can lead to the kinds of serious problems that's going to require some hefty repair bills to fix. A lot of roofs these days are covered with dimensional shingles that the manufacturers guarantee against serious leakage for quite a long time. On the other hand, you can't really call a roof "well-maintained" if it's allowing any amount of water to get past those shingles and into the space directly beneath them.
It's essential to know how to inspect your roof after a storm if you want to assess its condition accurately. You can begin your inspection from the ground and use a pair of binoculars to check for signs of damage. Look for things like shingles that are missing or not where they should be, metal roofing that's been dented, or debris that's making itself at home on your roof. If you can do so safely, check your attic to see if any water has gotten past your roof and is wetting your insulation or staining your ceiling. Look for granules from asphalt shingles in your gutters and downspouts, which can be a sign of serious deterioration. If you see any problems or are concerned about potential damage, call in an expert. A professional roofing contractor can examine your roof and tell you if it needs to be repaired or replaced—saving you time and a potential safety risk. Your safety must always come first, so do not attempt to climb onto your roof unless you are skilled and confident in doing so.