Our roofing company knows that each and every home and business has its own, very specific needs when it comes to rooftop installation. That's why we don't go for standard solutions—our roofers work with you to find the installation that meets your unique window of circumstances. In other words, our roofers offer services tailored to what you need! We've been assessing the performance of rooftops for the last 35 years. We consider your architecture when it comes to installation—how your home or business was constructed determines a lot about what's right for your roof. We think about the climate where you live and the kinds of weather your rooftop has to withstand. We also assess the installation with an eye toward the future: how the roof will perform over its maximum lifespan.
Our company values its adaptability to many kinds of roofing problems and our ability to exceed the basic expectations of our customers. The materials we use—along with the techniques we employ—give us the kind of versatility necessary to take on any kind of roofing job. We either stay right up-to-date with current roofing industry advancements or incorporate our own innovative technologies into our basic techniques, making our roofs not only durable but more energy-efficient than most roofs. Our lead roofing installer (who is also our foreman) has been with the company for over 15 years. He has much experience in dealing with all kinds of roofing issues. We pride ourselves in being able to work with all our customers towards clear communication and the achieving of the kind of roofing vision that fits right into their budget.
When it comes to installing new roofs in houses, we do not take a cookie-cutter approach. What we do is to really look at the roof's holistic system, which includes ventilation, insulation, and even drainage, to ensure that everything is functioning optimally and is as energy-efficient as it can be. We accomplish this by either using really high-quality stuff—what we people in the business call "premium-grade materials"—or by executing "the premium way," which is to say we do what needs to be done in ways that should ensure the roof's long-term reliable performance. And I would say our approach also includes what's a kind of premium roofing warranty. We went to a very good place, and I did the right thing, because otherwise the company that's installing the roofing just takes the short way and uses cheap, low-quality materials and includes a lousy warranty that we wouldn't want to have to cash in.