The kind of repair needed after hail damage can vary greatly based on the storm's intensity, size of hailstones, and many other factors. In Enterprise, the exterior repair required for minor hail damage often uses a specialized method known as PDR (paintless dent repair), which works marvelously for maintaining the value of your vehicle because it keeps the original factory paint intact. However, if the hailstones were larger or if their shape wasn't "dimpled," then more extensive bodywork is needed to protect your vehicle from the elements as well as to make it look good. You see, if PDR isn't used, then you're either sanding down the paint to make it smooth (bad idea if you want to preserve the value of your vehicle) or you're using filler to get the surface smooth (again, bad for value) and then painting it (which is probably fine but also is only a stopgap if you need your car for a hailstorm again!).
Residents of the Enterprise area can choose from a variety of hail damage repair options tailored to their needs. Selecting the right course of action is necessary to ensure that the vehicle is in top shape. That might sound simple enough, but figuring out the best option isn't always so straightforward. The damage assessors at repair shops can quantify the extent of the damage to the vehicle and recommend what they feel are the best repair solutions. But because not all repair shops work the same way, and some even use different methods to accomplish the same end (making the vehicle whole again), it's useful for residents of the Enterprise area to understand the general landscape of hail damage repair options.
Apart from fixing your car, some situations might need dealing with insurance claims to cover hail damage repair. Many repair shops in Enterprise help customers with the delicate business of insurance procedures. Because their job is to repair the vehicle, not to ensure that a customer has the correct insurance (otherwise they would be half private investigator, half insurance claims adjuster, which is what some reinsurance companies do, and we all know how much fun that is), the best course of action is to assume that you do have adequate coverage and that the shop will help you get all the right benefits with as little trouble to you as possible. If you do take the route of assuming your situation is covered, it helps to be well acquainted with all that accompanied it in the first place—hence the next section of this article.