For businesses and homeowners in Enterprise, ice dams can be a major worry during the winter months. Forming at the roof's edge, these ridges of ice prevent melting snow from draining properly. They can lead to serious interior water damage. If your property has an ice dam, it will be necessary to remove it. To determine the most effective removal method, you will need to understand your property's specifics, like roofing design and materials. And if the ice dam removal isn't done right, it can cause your roof some serious problems in the long run. That's why seeking professional help for these problems is a good idea. Onsem writes: "For businesses and homeowners in Enterprise, ice dams can be a major worry during the winter months."
Multiple methods exist for dealing with ice dams, each appropriate for various circumstances. Most people probably think of fire as the hottest method for getting rid of an ice dam, when in fact, steam is the safest way to go. Pros use steamer rigs, and these guys are pros for a reason—they're minimizing risk to the shingles. I can't emphasize this point enough: Don't try to remove ice dams with power washers, hoses, or anything that might direct forceful water up under the shingles. That's a great way to create real problems where none existed before. Similarly, don't use calcium chloride tablets. They're not safe when directed at roofing, which is a big problem if you have an ice dam near your roof.
To avoid repeating ice dam removal next season, now is the time to consider several key aspects that contribute to the formation of the dams. Remedying these roof, attic, and wall problems can help ensure that you and your house will not be enduring another ice dam season in the future. Ice dams are caused by the combination of heat escaping from a house, which then warms the roof, and cold temperatures in the outside air. Stopping the heat from escaping is obviously the most effective remedy. You can also get away with not doing everything I mention, but I will be very surprised if you fulfill all the suggestions I make and are equally surprised if you do all 9 steps.