Selecting the appropriate roofing type for weatherproofing is vital to protect your property in Enterprise from the area's varied climatic conditions. The mix of intense summer heat combined with heavy rain makes it necessary to invest in a roofing solution that can resist solar exposure as well as repel water. Not being taken in by the marketing hype, however, makes it necessary to consider a broad range of choices. Elastomeric coating ranks highly among options for weatherproofing roofing in Enterprise and other parts of the Southeast. Certainly, the product's inherent qualities of flexibility and expectable life usually serve as it parting words at the end of a sales pitch. Coating with an elastomeric material means applying a product that is predominantly latex-based.
For homeowners who might lean toward a more classic solution, installing asphaltic membranes could be a wonderful fix. Asphaltic membranes are tough and durable, and they make a great barrier against water infiltration. When they are installed correctly, they can stop leaks for many years—definitely long enough to make them a good candidate for homes in places that have a lot of rain or snow. The membrane is typically "torch down" installed, which makes it sound like a roofing option you wouldn't want to be around when it's being installed, but what the installer is actually doing is heating the underside of the membrane and the top side of the next down piece so that the two pieces "weld" together. This method creates a continuous, water-tight surface over your roof.
Metal roofing systems attract a good deal of attention these days and with good reason. They afford a level of durability and weather resistance that is pretty much unmatched in the roofing world. In heavy rains or downpours, metal roofs shed water and stay tight. In hurricane-force winds, metal roofs stay put. And if your particular metal roof is coated with top-quality reflective paint, your roof will also have a level of heat resistance that is spectacular, which is particularly advantageous in the southern summertime. Finally, if you are the kind of person who thinks about these things, you will be happy to know that your metal roofing should be made from recycled materials and should also be recycled when it is removed.