When pursuing a sustainable lifestyle, the choice of roofing material stands out as a key element in the push for greater energy efficiency and lower-impact buildings. People who live in Enterprise can easily select from a number of sustainable roofing options, each with its own set of tailored benefits. One strong contender is metal roofing. Built to last, metal roofs also contain a goodly portion of recycled materials and are highly recyclable themselves. Reflective metal roofs can actually help reduce cooling costs. The metal roofing option is truly a good fit for homes in this part of the country, as we can certainly rely on several weather conditions to consistently hammer our house.
Installing green roofs, where plants grow over a waterproof membrane that protects the building, is another very promising option. Not only do green roofs improve insulation, but they also act as a kind of air filter, helping to make the urban environment healthier. My dad's co-worker in San Antonio (an urban environment much like Enterprise, but a couple of steps forward in the rooftop green revolution) could tell you that the sky over the city has often been an unremarkable shade of blue. The absence of plant life near the ground and in the air has been a big part of that. The investment in green roofs is a big step toward changing the shade of the sky over Enterprise. And there's more. The better insulation of green roofs means that the buildings under them are not only more energy-efficient, but also healthier places for people to be. Green roofs can reduce the risk of noise pollution. The big and small benefits mount. And with a small investment of time, I can show you how to get the right kind of professionals to do the work.
If you are looking for innovative and cutting-edge solutions, solar roofing materials are an exciting and sustainable alternative. Unlike traditional photovoltaic panels, which tend to dominate the roofline and can appear bulky to homeowners looking for something sleek and high-tech, solar shingles are designed to blend seamlessly with conventional roofing materials. In fact, the look, feel, and performance of solar shingles are almost indistinguishable from asphalt shingles—and solar shingles are even backed by the same company (CertainTeed) that makes my roof's shingles. Besides offering potential energy savings, which would be big news for beat-the-heat season, roofing materials that generate solar power could also increase your home's value.