When you're contemplating roofing materials for your property in Henderson, modified bitumen roofing is a durable, versatile choice that merits attention. Modified bitumen roofing is an asphalt-based product that offers the kind of flexibility and element resistance that makes it suitable for the variable climate conditions we have in Henderson. Not only do we see the kinds of temperature swings from day to night that you might expect in a desert setting, but we also experience roof-pounding winds, prolonged sun exposure, and infrequent but intense rainfall. Not only does it provide waterproofing capability that's second to none, but it also comes in several basic types, each of which is suited to somewhat different preferences and needs that you might have in a residential application.
There are two primary types of modified bitumen roofing: atactic polypropylene (APP) and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS). The APP version of mod-bit roofing is like a thermoplastic. APP itself is not a good roofing material, but when introduced with plasticizers, it becomes more rubber-like and can work well for roofing. APP mod-bit systems are typically torch-applied, offering good UV resistance and, thus, being well-suited for roofs subjected to intense sunlight. When it comes to the SBS system, it is typically called a "modified bitumen" system. However, I do not see it as a true modification, because the SBS does not enhance the asphalt’s workability as much as it enhances the asphalt’s elasticity. The SBS system is more adept at handling the kind of temperature variances a roof is typically subjected to.
Further assistance in the decision-making process can come from a well-informed roofing professional. Such a person can evaluate your particular situation and recommend the right type of modified bitumen roofing for your Henderson property. They will usually initiate and carry through to conclusion the sort of dialogue that entails as most people (and even some professionals) often need to have when making a significant life decision. Sometimes a sales person or an estimator poses the questions or makes the leading statements to channel the dialogue in the direction it needs to go for path decision-making to occur. "Okay, now just wait a second. You're putting a lot of stuff on me all at once. Let me think about this."