When you are contemplating built-up roofing (BUR) for your property, you must first consider the unique climate associated with your local area and construct your roofing system accordingly – and there's none more unique, in the way that it is both an asset and a liability for BUR, than Las Vegas. The desert environment in which your BUR will be tested is marked by exceedingly high temperatures in summer, which essentially guarantees that your BUR will bake all day. Las Vegas also has some very strong winds, which have been known to exceed 75 mph (120 kph) in gusts. Those winds, combined with the high desert sun, pose some serious challenges to a BUR roofing system.
Another key factor to contemplate when choosing a built-up roofing system in Las Vegas is energy efficiency. Because of the intense heat that lasts for most of the year, if your building performs poorly, it could cost you significantly in energy dollars. Using a BUR with reflective surfaces can help remedy that situation. Some BUR systems come with coatings that do a good job of reflecting sunlight. Those coatings are generally lighter in color than the exposed surfaces of the BUR. When you use good materials in the BUR system itself (which we believe you should), you will not only have a roof that works well for you but also one that is energy efficient. That means it is budget-friendly and eco-friendly.
Finally, think about how built-up roofing for your Las Vegas property will hold up over time. The desert can be tough on all kinds of construction materials, so it's reasonable to expect that Las Vegas BUR roofing systems would need to have some repairs done to them over the course of their lives. Just about any BUR maintenance activity involves making sure that the gravel surfacing is intact and that there are no bare spots. The service life of a built-up roof is quite variable, ranging from around 15 to 30 years, but a system that's in good condition and fully maintained has a much better chance of making it all the way to the "end of life."