Even though Las Vegas has dynamic weather that is mostly clear and sunny, the city is not immune to hail damage. If your home or your car has suffered hail damage, you are going to want to fix it. Failing to do so can lead to rust and the structural damage that threatens the Integrity of your car or home. You should consult with a specialist in hail damage repair. These pros know what to look for when assessing hail damage and are familiar with what proper repairs entail. And what do such repairs entail? They can range from paintless dent repair that does not require the use of paint; that is, the dent is fixed and the surface of the car is left in a better condition than before (which is the definition of a good repair). Or, a hail dent may require more substantial work that entails replacing a car's rooftop with a new panel. Either situation could happen—and either situation is something that calls for more examination.
If your vehicle is damaged due to hail, several modern methods can resolve the matter quickly and efficiently. Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is the most popular method of repair for these types of dents. It is used on small-to-medium-size dents with unfavorable angles—those that are hard for the eye to see and for the hand to feel, to borrow a phrase from Dr. Patrick McKee, a talented PDR artist I work closely with. But PDR is not the only way to restore a car's body to its appearance before weather events like hail. If a car sustains too many dents to be repaired using PDR or if the hail dents are too deep, the traditional stab of a tech's hose may be the best way to restore the vehicle to its perfect form.
Your Las Vegas property could be at risk from hail damage, especially to roofs and siding. Rooftops and siding were common hailstorm casualties in the Las Vegas Valley hailstorm of July 1999. Even a few years ago, the Las Vegas area saw hailstorms that did quite a bit of damage to roofs, siding, and other parts of houses. Hail might not be the first thing to come to mind when considering what can make a property vulnerable to long-term structural problems, but it can lead to some serious roof and siding issues if not dealt with quickly. Prompt repair of hail damage is essential. Even a small dent or bruise can lead to serious long-term problems with the roof that aren’t covered up by the appearance of being functioning and whole.