Selecting the right kind of roof waterproofing for the vivacious, sun-soaked city of Las Vegas is vital to creating a long-lasting roofing solution. The Sun's rays, however, are nothing to sneeze at; in fact, their intensity can rival that of any other kind of solar radiation, which means that UV (ultraviolet) protection is a must. What waterproofing coatings lack in reflective properties, they certainly make up for in protecting against either minimal or excessive amounts of rain. When it comes to choosing a waterproofing solution, it's best to go with one that has the most UV protection potential. That way, you're not only ensuring that the roofing substrate doesn't absorb too much heat (which can also cause your home to develop some serious energy efficiency problems), but you're also safeguarding the substrate against sun damage that can lead to the same kinds of issues as roof leaks.
The sudden, heavy rainstorms that sweep through Las Vegas can lead to potential water damage if your roof is unprotected. A comprehensive waterproofing plan for your roof should include several essential elements: an underlayment that is properly installed and of high quality; sealants at all joints and seams that are of the same high caliber and installed with the same accuracy; and effective drainage systems that direct rainwater and storm runoff away from the building. The runoff from a rainstorm hitting a roof with an area of, say, 2,000 square feet, can amount to thousands of gallons of water in just minutes. Although the rain itself may not cause harm because of how fast it evaporates or how soon it trickles away, the sheer volume of water pouring down and converging upon roof that is inadequately protected can overwhelm the roof in pretty much the same way that a flud does.
Another formidable enemy of roofs in Las Vegas is high winds. When the winds pick up, they can loosen or even blow off those roofs. That's why weatherproofing the roofs to withstand high winds is vital, especially in areas where topography can funnel and amplify wind velocities. Some roof shapes, like low slopes, and some roof coverings, like thatch, are more prone to wind damage than others. However, with the right materials, the right shape, and the right installation techniques—because even wind-resistant roofs can be improperly installed and therefore be vulnerable—roofs can withstand not just rain but also wind. Regular inspections of the roof can help catch any potential loose parts before they become problems.