Residents of North Las Vegas are well-acquainted with the strong winds that often sweep through the area. These high winds can and do cause extensive damage to homes and properties, commonly pushing a lot of the top-of-the-line houses in the decently priced neighborhood nearly to the ground. When performing wind inspection repairs, the main thing to check is the roof. Wind can cause a canopy effect that can loft a lot of debris into the air. The first step in assessing what type of wind repairs are needed is to check for missing or loosened shingles. If those are present, leaks and water damage are imminent and quite possibly already happening. The wind itself whispers sweet nothings into the ears of the rafters, making them more and more loose and weak with every gust. Speaking of wind, wind also has a hand in gutter system damage through the way that wind pushes debris into the system.
Windstorms can wreak havoc not just on a roof, but also on siding. Wind-driven rain can get behind a cracked panel. A dent may result in moisture intrusion. Even a completely intact panel may not be functioning properly if it was installed with a bad seam. Repairing or replacing the panel in question is going to fix that problem, of course, and also ensures that your home looks good. Even if you don't want to address your home's aesthetic setback, you really need to make sure it's moisture-proof, because that's going to have an appearance issue when mold and mildew start to show. Wind-damaged windows and doors are another big deal and a very common type of problem associated with wind damage.
Often overlooked, landscaping can affect the safety, security, and appearance of the home, especially after a severe storm. Broken fences, displaced pavers, and damaged trees can compromise safety and security and reduce curb appeal. Repairs should be made promptly. Fixing landscaping problems ensures that your home is ready to face the next storm without putting unnecessary strain on the property's envelope. Given the sheer number of trees, some of which are quite large, the potential for damage could be extensive. After the storm, make a careful appraisal of your property. Inspect every tree on your home’s grounds using binoculars, if necessary. If any part of a compromised tree poses a threat, either have the tree taken down entirely or have it stabilized until you can decide on some kind of permanent solution. That is a must if you want the home to be safe.