When selecting roofing materials for homes in Summerlin, it's vital to think about both the home's architectural style and the local climate. In Summerlin, known for its blistering dry desert heat, roofing materials must be able to cope with relentless sunshine and intense temperatures. For this reason, asphalt shingles are an excellent choice. There's no need to concern yourself, however, with the run-of-the-mill 3-tab variety, which is sometimes touted as having a "class A" fire rating. Summerlin is a place where the integrity of the roof must be maintained, and in my opinion, the most recommendation-worthy shingles are better-constructed architectural (or dimensional) shingles. On the roofing's energy efficiency label, light-colored shingles are mentioned as helping with reflecting solar heat, which can be a plus in Energy Star compliance.
An additional aspect to examine is the wind resistance of asphalt shingles, particularly given the strong winds that can occur in Summerlin. Select shingles with a high wind rating to ensure effective protection during wind storms. Some shingle options are made with advanced sealant technology that allows them to withstand higher wind speeds without lifting or breaking; in these cases, the wind resistance of the shingles is directly related to the performance of the sealant. Impact resistance is a key characteristic too, especially with hail storms that can occur in the region. Opting for asphalt shingles that meet or exceed a Class 3 impact rating will provide peace of mind. Consulting with local roofing professionals who understand the specific needs of the area can yield even better results.
When you make the decision about which roof to put on your home, you must also consider the roof's maintenance and longevity. Asphalt shingles have a lifespan of from 20 to 30 years, which is a pretty good deal for a typical residential roofing material. If you go with really top-shelf asphalt shingles, you can get a substantial bump in the average warranty period—most warranties hover around 20 to 25 years, but a few brands offer 30-year warranties. If you follow up with good installation, do some not-very-demanding maintenance, and keep an eye on your roof after big storms, all of which are steps that you are more likely to take if you live in a place where the sun beats down on your roof like a forge, you can get many attractive years of roofing service from asphalt shingles.