In Summerlin, homes can sustain wind damage in a variety of ways, which calls for some very specific sorts of repairs. And the roof is chief among them. It is the part of the house most exposed to the wind's direct violence. Whatever becomes of the roof, however, cannot be properly addressed unless it is first ascertained that the wind had nothing to do with starting the fire. Otherwise, the same thing could happen again. So: how does wind damage a roof? First of all, there is the gable. The wind blowing against it most directly in the very spot where it meets the roof means that half of the wind's speed is being exerted on that part of the house—especially if it is a sharp gable.
Wind can wreak serious havoc on Summerlin landscaping. Damage to plant life is almost inevitable when wind gusts reach a certain level. This can happen in two basic ways: either the plant gets pulled up from the ground (or the ground gets pulled up from the plant), or the plant's limb gets torn off and flung away. Both "deaths" are severe and structurally negative for the landscaping. Repairing the kind of lasting or hard-to-reverse damage caused to trees, shrubs, and other plants can be both time-consuming and expensive. If you and your landscape architects pay close enough attention and use smart enough judgment that any plant life poses an imminent "hazard to safety," you can and should remove that plant life altogether. That is clearly the best proactive strategy to follow.
To properly plan for wind damage repairs, it's vital to work with a competent contractor in Summerlin. What makes this essential is the combination of experience with the local climate and knowledge of the area's construction codes that such a contractor brings to the table. You're going to want this person to evaluate your home thoroughly and base their estimate on what really needs doing, rather than on what would be profitable for them. You're also going to want them to explain why some of your home's features (like your roof) make it susceptible to wind damage and what they can do, when working with you, to increase your home's resilience to that and other types of severe weather so that future wind events don't lead to the same kind of repairs you're facing now.