Choosing the appropriate type of modified bitumen roofing for your residential or commercial structure in Sunrise Manor isn't just about what looks good or costs the least. It's much more specific than that. You have to take into account multiple conditions, such as your individual roofing needs, the local climate, and even the local roof slope. Sunrise Manor is located in a region with a predominant hot climate, so we roofers must take that into account when we make our roofing selections. We know that modified bitumen roofing is a good choice for hot climates, so that's what we usually recommend. Modified bitumen roofing systems are composed of multiple protective layers, including two layers of asphalt. These layers do a great job of venting the heat that can build up underneath the roof. The asphalt layers are also well known for their ability to 'breathe' in a way that doesn't allow moisture to get trapped beneath the roofing system. These two features alone do a great job of helping the roofing system to live out its expected lifespan without having to invest in early repairs.
You can further customize the modified bitumen roofing to meet your specific needs through the installation methods and the coating materials that you use. In the most common case, the roof system uses either SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) or APP (Atactic Polypropylene) as the bitumen modifier. Each of these two choices has advantages. The SBS membrane has excellent flexibility, is able to perform in cold temperatures, and may be the best option if your property has continued structural movements that have affected your existing roofing system. On the other hand, if your Sunrise Manor property sees a lot of sun and you want to keep the roof cool, the APP membrane might work better for you. It is the roof system with the protective coating that has the best chance of keeping your energy bills down. Some of these coatings have reflective capabilities that can minimize how much heat gets absorbed by the roof.
Choosing to install modified bitumen roofing on your property is not a decision to make lightly. To ensure that you are making the correct choice and are well-informed about all the possibilities, it is best to consult with a seasoned professional who knows the ins and outs of Sunrise Manor building codes and the local climate. A roofing contractor familiar with our unique community can provide insight that no online forum or do-it-yourself guide can match. They will not only understand the materials involved but will also have knowledge that will help them assess your property's specific needs—ranging from the current state of your roof to potential problems we might not know about—that will enable them to recommend the best modified bitumen product and installation method for your situation.