Bringing natural light into your home can be achieved in several ways, but among them, skylights stand out as a particularly effective option. At our company, we have installed and repaired enough of them to know that they provide a great return on investment. The upside really is substantial: a well-made skylight installed by our professionals will perform with high efficiency and low maintenance for many years. That's why we offer them as a solution when the issue of "light deprivation" in your home comes up in conversation. However, we want to make it clear up front: we know that skylights aren't a good fit for every home, every roofline, or every room. So we don't push them. Instead, we offer light tubes, window enlargements, and other options. And we really do hope the skylight works for you.
Skylight repair issues can happen any time, and they're a serious matter. We offer a fast, responsive service that will address any skylight problem from a smaller, easily-fixed leak to a larger, more serious structural issue. Our repair service can diagnose the problem and make targeted, effective repairs, using tools and techniques that are state-of-the-art for the skylight repair industry. We do that while maintaining an emphasis on the kind of quality that ensures your skylight will last for years after we've repaired it. Life can be a little disrupted while we're making those repairs, but our promise is that we will work efficiently and effectively, and we will do no less than make sure your skylight looks and functions as well as it did the day just before the problem started.
The customer experience at our company begins with the basic repair and installation and continues far beyond that initial meeting. We provide ongoing maintenance services capable of ensuring that potential problems with the skylights don't even have the chance to arise. Our inspections of your skylights—thorough, to say the least—are what we like to call "in-depth." Our service team has a pretty good idea, most times, of what might be going wrong. We either correct the issue there and then or give it a good sky-holding tune-up. If you ever have any questions about what you could be doing to ensure that your skylights are as likely to function without a hitch as any overly complicated human-made apparatus, we have a series of videos and pamphlets that do a pretty nice job walking you through the "Skylights 101" course. If you have any problems, real or imagined, with your skylights, our customer service team is the friendliest bunch of weirdos you're likely to encounter in your day.