After a storm, unexpected chaos can ensue, affecting homes in innumerable ways that demand an individualized restoration strategy. The very heart of storm damage repair is the understanding that no storm is alike and, by extension, no two homes suffer the same kind of damage. Your roof could need patched; with a little luck, your siding might not have blown off completely and could be safely reattached; and you could be fortunate enough to find that your interior walls are mostly dry and your electronics are still functional. We evaluate these kinds of damages on a personal basis, as if we lived in your kind of home and our kinds of storm also blew through. After wind, rain, and a little too much fun, we fix houses and make them better than they were before.
We are firmly committed to the kind of individualized storm damage repair that ensures a comprehensive assessment of each property. This is not a quick and easy job; it is methodical and time-consuming. But it is a 100 percent necessary step toward an effective storm repair strategy. Why? Because it allows us to understand the property and its storm-related issues thoroughly. We look at the obvious damage and then at what isn't so obvious. Our focus is mainly on identifying what we see as potential hidden damage, the kind that, if ignored, could (and we believe will) lead to future storm-related difficulties that would certainly amount to a future unbudgeted repair scenario.
Our services for storm damage repairs are rooted in two key qualities: flexibility and expertise. We know that storms can hit any part of a home, and we have the know-how and the tools required to tackle even the most challenging storm repair jobs. Our team is skilled and adept at using both the latest repair methods and old-school craftsmanship to achieve results that will keep your home safe and sound—even if and when it faces another storm. As we step into the second half of 2023, we offer an advance on some upcoming blogs that will take you deep into our storm repair process. These blogs could serve as a good Storm Repair 101 for you if you're in the line of work (or at least in the part of the world) where storms are frequent enough that they require a state of emergency. The gist of our routine storm repair process is that it's basically divided into three parts.